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週一 18 6月, 2012 15:48
版面: 談天說地 Chatting Square
主題: 神洲升空出現不明物體
回覆: 19
觀看: 7429

if the rocket is moving very quickly on the sky (and the telephoto lens is tracking it), the moving object is probably a stationary object for us, i.e. a star. It appears so much bigger because it is out of focus.

just my thought..
週四 15 3月, 2012 09:42
版面: 談天說地 Chatting Square
主題: 大學生想做低職位都冇得比你做
回覆: 11
觀看: 3605

新仔出社會碰壁都係好事,等佢累積多D經驗也好~ 去勞工處揾職業導向輔導啦~你個朋友可能連見工、寫覆歷都有問題,或者好高騖遠要求人工/職位太高所致~ 到最後無晒消息才去揾D低學歷要求工種,人地真係當你玩野,或者你 “貴為” 大學生,點會稀罕低收入,做兩日嫌辛苦走人,到時老闆連培訓費都白白浪費,真係采你都傻~ 叫左佢去勞工處登記。 去獵頭公司,因為他們一般都是要請人才上去,而且因為已選擇過,所以一般有得面試就有機會。半個月就當做義工,好過在家幾個月! 只怪佢當初心頭高,高不成低不就 現今世代新一批 “大學生” 好多都係高分低能,自以為 “貴為大學生” 點可以冇一萬兩萬以上人工,下下要做管理層,好...
週六 18 2月, 2012 01:53
版面: 談天說地 Chatting Square
主題: "力"能否轉彎傳導 + 是否絕對無可能中的可能
回覆: 39
觀看: 14008

skynam 寫:
Wah!! 寫:若你明白我所說的,就會知道你的設計不可能浮起……
No, the force will not change direction in this way.

Also, you cannot fix the force of the spring system (to be 9000N) because it is dynamically determined by how much force you pull on each side.
週六 28 1月, 2012 05:04
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: M51: Whirlpool Galaxy (旋渦星系)
回覆: 12
觀看: 5740

(sorry for digging old post)

I borrowed the picture as an introduction slide in my talk (with image credit of coz'). I have to say the people (astronomers) are truly amazing by this image taken with such a small telescope.
週六 17 12月, 2011 13:12
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: 點解唔係呀華架
回覆: 15
觀看: 5382

take it easy, I think it's natural for someone who has heard about HDR to have idea to construct such picture.. [茶]
週一 28 11月, 2011 10:45
版面: 天文話題 Everything about Astronomy
主題: 英媒体称牛顿利用权力“抢夺”他人研究成果
回覆: 0
觀看: 2140

罗伯特·胡克 = Robert Hooke?

so much doubt about the info in the news... :?
週二 22 11月, 2011 06:45
版面: 談天說地 Chatting Square
主題: "力"能否轉彎傳導 + 是否絕對無可能中的可能
回覆: 39
觀看: 14008

skynam 寫:會考慮尋求徵求有沒有香港的大學可以合作應用上的研發
Sorry to say that, if the idea can't pass the fellow science teachers and amateurs on this forum, I don't think it will get any interest from the people in the universities..
週三 05 10月, 2011 23:26
版面: 天文物理 Astrophysics
主題: subatomic particle Apparently faster than Light ><“
回覆: 35
觀看: 32302

299792458米 = 1 光秒 [茶] http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=108151032579618 睇唔到 你一定係用PC(・・? 其實係舊年天文學獎,冇乜特別,只係咁啱見到個光速值。 我放喺Utube,你睇下播唔播到 … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiFEflh01Qc [off topic] that's becoz' of the permission.. anyway, do you have the one for 2009 shaw prize ? ------------------------...
週三 05 10月, 2011 13:54
版面: 天文物理 Astrophysics
主題: subatomic particle Apparently faster than Light ><“
回覆: 35
觀看: 32302

Zubenelgenubi 寫:
quantumkit 寫:299792458米 = 1 光秒
週一 03 10月, 2011 14:52
版面: 天文物理 Astrophysics
主題: subatomic particle Apparently faster than Light ><“
回覆: 35
觀看: 32302

299792458米 = 1 光秒
週一 05 9月, 2011 05:36
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: 第一晚試Astro 60D,在PTC遇上暴雨,狼狽撤退....
回覆: 17
觀看: 9975

it IS canon 60D with modified cooling...

週五 26 8月, 2011 06:14
版面: 談天說地 Chatting Square
主題: 沒有工業的香港
回覆: 41
觀看: 10359

大黃傻貓GARFIELD 寫: 按照社會進化論﹐ 唔少這些去返大陸尋老婆的﹐ 如果沒有大陸這“source”﹐ 就會孤單終老﹐ 他們的genes不會遺傳下去﹐ 貧窮低層人口會自然減少﹐ 由於有了大陸地區的“選擇”﹐ 這些人港人身份足夠吸引內地落後地方女性﹐ 結果低品質人口得以繁殖﹐ 延續他們的種﹐ 導致人口質素下降。
There was a movie about this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXRjmyJF ... CCAE1DC3AB
週四 11 8月, 2011 05:08
版面: 太陽觀測和攝影 Solar Observation & Photography
主題: 我拍到太陽旁有巨大不明飛行物體
回覆: 29
觀看: 13351

look at how small Venus passed across the Sun surface during the transit. Such object near the sun would be even bigger in order to match the angular size.. Not saying this is impossible to have alien UFO though..I hope our skeptical analysis isn't too discouraging for you =) take more pics of our S...
週三 10 8月, 2011 04:07
版面: 太陽觀測和攝影 Solar Observation & Photography
主題: 我拍到太陽旁有巨大不明飛行物體
回覆: 29
觀看: 13351

even if the lens was not moving, the sun would still move inside the frame due to Earth's rotation, right?
