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週二 13 3月, 2012 22:58
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: Some previous shots taken in Australia
回覆: 9
觀看: 2553

Please feel free to try your version on my images.
週二 13 3月, 2012 22:56
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: Is it too red?
回覆: 28
觀看: 5184

Welcome to have a play with my image, if you are interested. I think that is a good way to share with each other. There is no comparison with Dr. Wang's film images, which are of hours of signal. For me, personally I like the red colour (Ha light) of emission nebula presented in film image very much...
週一 12 3月, 2012 22:37
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: Is it too red?
回覆: 28
觀看: 5184

Is it too red?

How do you feel with this one, with dark and flat calibrated ? Please criticize as sharply as you can.

Just about 28min signal in total , insufficient of course.

週五 09 3月, 2012 23:37
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: Some previous shots taken in Australia
回覆: 9
觀看: 2553

Some previous shots taken in Australia

I have lots of RAW images unprocessed, but I just don't have too much motivation to process them. It is mainly because I don't know how to "cook" them well, and I sometimes find it is quite time wasting in doing so. If we could turn back the clock, I would prefer smiling on the slide images. Attache...
週五 09 3月, 2012 23:00
版面: 天文話題 Everything about Astronomy
主題: 即將重生
回覆: 9
觀看: 4456


NSS/SBA + TAS = ? = 自我封閉 + 坐監 + 斷六親 ==> 說得有點誇張 ? 我相信有些同好會明白 SBA =? 和 TAS = ? 不明的,算了吧,毋須花精神追查/追問! 就是這兩個東東,害得我自去年9月至今,要謝絕差不多全部同星星有關的活動和金錢瓜葛 ==> 要玩自我失蹤! 亦在此向之前曾經想聯絡我的各方人士致歉有關我的全無音信事件。 本星期 8/3已將TAS有關交件/工作完成 及上繳有關當局。再過3星期,DSE亦正式第一次面世,是生是死,就只能聽天命矣! 因此,如無意外,復活節後,我可自由啦!重生啦!復活啦!可再投入星星懷抱啦,若到時還未死得........ Bins...
週三 07 3月, 2012 20:51
版面: 天文話題 Everything about Astronomy
主題: Angus Lau 與湯博士的天文講座
回覆: 127
觀看: 36251

1 昇仔
2 AngusLau
3 炳思
4 benzenechow
5 funoooo
6 Willis
7 syyuen168
8 cyyek
9 wtyu21
10 SteveLeung
11 benben88
12 Eddy So
13 Willology
14 Lucy Wong
15 鄧登凳
16 Titan
17 Tenman
18 xr250
19 inlwop
20 A/45
21 LT
週二 13 12月, 2011 13:31
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: Too bloody?
回覆: 5
觀看: 4360

Thanks Daniel. Most Moon Eclipse photos shown are either too red. Q : Is it due to the sensivity of the CMOS sensors ? Or due to the poor human eye perception to red colour during visual observation ? Maybe a red moon looks like a woman in red, pretty and attractive to most people. Human eye is inse...
週一 12 12月, 2011 23:00
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: Too bloody?
回覆: 5
觀看: 4360

Too bloody?

Hi, So as to show the eclipsed moon at totality more reddish, used a modded 300D to capture the event. But maybe that's a wrong decision to shoot the event with a modded DSLR. Seemed too bloody eventually. Looks not so natural, right? Then, would you like to show me your version which looks more nat...
週四 24 11月, 2011 13:50
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: NGC300 - Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor (玉夫座螺旋星系)
回覆: 48
觀看: 13011

Dear Angus, Well worth the effort of relocating/setting up new astro dome/gears there. I believe your equipments will be well utilized in such ideal site. I regret not able to join you in October due to my heavy work commitments in HK. Might consider to join your site when I retire/semi-retire :lol...
週四 24 11月, 2011 13:14
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: NGC300 - Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor (玉夫座螺旋星系)
回覆: 48
觀看: 13011

Hi Augus, Though Coona is rather far from Brisbane/Sydney, you don't need to do astronomy in other sites as you have already had a permanent setup there, and I think you will go there more and more frequently in the following years. If a large-sized RC is on your list, really worth thinking of repla...
週三 23 11月, 2011 16:50
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: NGC300 - Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor (玉夫座螺旋星系)
回覆: 48
觀看: 13011

Hi Angus, From the very first time, STL-11K was a very good imaging company to Macro, but soon later, he sold it out and replaced it with 16803, though they are of the same pixel cell size, after (maybe) his 1st imaging trip to Australia. Now his 16803 has been permanently setup in his observatory w...
週三 23 11月, 2011 00:17
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: NGC300 - Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor (玉夫座螺旋星系)
回覆: 48
觀看: 13011

Hi Angus, Actually it was my 1st time to meet Peter last year. I think now you know him much more than me. But I know Macro more, and he introduced Peter to me and advised me to give him a visit if I was to Coona. Macro is now working and living in Shanghai. You are right he isn't to Coona so often,...
週二 22 11月, 2011 18:28
版面: 天文攝影 Astrophotography
主題: NGC300 - Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor (玉夫座螺旋星系)
回覆: 48
觀看: 13011

Hi Augus, That is really a masterpiece. Speechless! Just wonder where you had gone as you had disapperaed from this HK astro forum for quite a long period. I think the 4th dome in Peter's living place belongs to you, right? Macro also has a TEC scope in the dome, but only the 140. Did you have any c...
週三 16 11月, 2011 17:07
版面: 天文圖像處理技巧 Astro Image Processing Technique
主題: How to do FF calibration in PS?
回覆: 24
觀看: 11959

這就是我跟Noodle所講,RAW>TIFF 時並不一定是linear地convert,而是有機會nonlinear或stretch了的,然後用這個nonlinear地convert出來的FF去divide原圖,就會出現問題。 I agree it should be. 所以LT原本的方法FF, DF, Bias (RAW) 都一拼交給DSS處理是正確的。問題只是FF是否真的拍得理想。個人經驗拍一堆理想的FF,比拍天文相更難 I also think about it . Then what / how is a good/excellent FF? Correct amount of ex...
週三 16 11月, 2011 13:33
版面: 天文圖像處理技巧 Astro Image Processing Technique
主題: How to do FF calibration in PS?
回覆: 24
觀看: 11959

Thanks in advance for your input. I think it is correct that each RAW frame will be FF, DF, Bias calibrated before stacking in DSS. So, up to now with those image processing softwares I know, no one can do FF calibration the best as DSS. But if DSS does the stacking with RAW, the resultant stacked f...
