日食先生 (弗雷德‧埃斯佩納克) 安排了一些絕版的美國太空總署日食公報(如題)免費送贈給香港天文論壇的同好。按照壇主 Wongsir 的指示,若各位壇友有興趣索取的話,請在下面以序號填寫自己的論壇用戶名稱,我們會以先到先得方法先登記,送完即止。派發日期將會在3月26日 星期日 香港太空館 與 香港天文論壇 合辦,由 弗雷德‧埃斯佩納克先生 主講的 2017年日全食預測講座當天前後派發。 若果各位希望作者在公報上為大家簽名留念,請在 閣下的用戶名稱旁注名。以便我預早安排作者提前為大家簽名。
Mr. Eclipse (Fred Espenak) has arranged a few out-of-prints NASA Solar Eclipse Bulletins (as mentioned in the title above) to be given away free of charge to the friends of the Hong Kong Astroforum. Our forum owner, Mr. Lung Wong, has indicated that if anyone who is interested in getting a copy, please write down your forum user name below. The bulletins will be given away on a first come first served basis while stock lasts. The date of the distribution will be on March 26, 2017 which is the date of Fred Espenak's lecture of 2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Hong Kong, being co-organized by Hong Kong Space Museum and The Hong Kong AstroForum. Autograph by the author is available upon request (Please indicate next to your user name).
NASA 5000 Years Catalog of Lunar Eclipses (12 of 14)
NASA 5000 Years Catalog of Lunar Eclipses (12 of 14)
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- 文章: 177
- 註冊時間: 週六 05 6月, 2004 13:42
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